Yes. Please arrive a few minutes early to your appointment to fill out the required new patient paperwork, or you can download it here and bring it in with you.
Your first appointment is booked with the Nurse and then the GP - this is so they can gather background information prior to discussing what brings you in for the consultation.
Absolutely! Simply download and fill in this form and provide the completed version to our friendly reception team to organise the transfer of your medical records.
We are a mixed billing practice. We bulk bill anyone under 16 years and 70 years & over with a concession card. We also bulk bill some of our chronic disease management appointments.
Reduced rates for concession card holders (health care card, pensioner card, disability card).
We offer the medicare rebate at the time of payment.
For more information, click here.
We require a minimum of 2 hours notice for a cancellation of an appointment.
We have a Failure to Attend Policy at our Practices.
We understand that sometimes unavoidable situations arise and that sometimes we can just forget, but unfortunately for some time, it has been difficult to provide appointments for all our patients as needed. It is frustrating to have to turn patients away only to end up with an appointment that we could have used.
If you are unable to attend your appointment, we ask you to provide as much notice as possible (minimum 2 hours) so that we can offer your appointment to another patient.
Failure to notify us of this may result in a fee being charge to you and this missed appointment fee must be paid prior to future appointments being made.
Currently our failure to attend fee is $40 for single, $80 for double.
This fee cannot be claimed through medicare.
Whilst GPs do their best to run to time, sometimes GPs cannot control the length of time required by a patient when they present for their appointment and unforeseen circumstances can arise during a consultation that cause the appointment to run longer than initially booked for.
When booking your appointment, we encourage you to book in for a longer consultation if you’re wishing to discuss a complex issue or have multiple things to discuss.
Booking an appointment is easy and can be done at any time using our convenient online booking service, HotDocs.
Simply scroll to select a Doctor and click on a suitable appointment time from the options displayed to get started now.
Alternatively, please call our friendly reception team on 6146 3900.
If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please call triple zero (000) immediately to request an ambulance.
If you are unwell and require assistance outside of our opening hours, please call HealthDirect on 1800 022 222 or attend an After Hours Clinic in your area.
If you would like to see the same doctor each time, you can ask to be booked in with the specific doctor at the time of booking.
However, please be aware that each doctor has a different amount of waiting time for their next available appointment so if your matter is urgent, we cannot guarantee an appointment with your regular GP.
If you are calling in regards to test results, please call after 10am, at least 24 hours after your test has been completed.
Repeat prescriptions for regular medications can be done via HotDoc. Each prescription request is assessed by your doctor who will approve or decline the request on clinical grounds. Alternatively, you could book an appointment with the GP. Please ensure you book an appointment with your GP at least two weeks prior to finishing your current supply.
For all prescriptions you will require an appointment with the GP. Please ensure you book an appointment with your GP at least two weeks prior to finishing your current supply.
Please wear a face mask and advise reception if you have covid-19 respiratory symptoms. All other patients are strongly recommended to wear a face mask.
We do not conduct COVID-19 testing at our centres, for testing, please head to: https://www.coronavirus.